OpenSUSE wiki

Monday, December 18, 2017

Re: [opensuse-wiki] Lost CSS?


Am Montag, 18. Dezember 2017, 19:21:25 CET schrieb PatrickD Garvey:
> Thank you, but for me that page also displays without formatting for
> display, at least on Chrome.
> Your response prompted me to try Edge and Firefox where that page
> displays with formatting.
> So do other pages. Clearing Chrome's cache seemed to improve the
> situation, but not completely fix it.

We had a similar report on IRC today.

Most of the wiki CSS is delivered by, and we found
out that one of the servers that handles was down.

In the meantime, we removed that server from the haproxy config so that
it gets no longer used, which also means that the problem should be
solved since some hours.

If you still see this issue (after clearing the Chrome cache - it seems
to cache server failures :-( ) please tell me [1].

> Does anyone know which cookies belong to openSUSE's wiki?

I'd have to check, so feel free to use your browsers inspector tool
(whatever it's named) to find out. You'll find some wiki-specific
cookies (which are restricted to one wiki, for example
and also cookies for * like the login cookie.

For the CSS, the cookies are irrelevant AFAIK.


Christian Boltz

[1] Including the request and response headers would be perfect - you
can get them using your browser's network inspector tool (whatever
it's named in Chrome) - but a simple report that you still see
failures is still better than nothing.

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